Na In Woo is currently starring in the KBSŌĆÖs Jinxed at First, a TV adaptation of the popular webtoon ŌĆ£The JinxŌĆÖs Lover.ŌĆØ The fantasy romance tells the story of a man who has come to terms with his unlucky fate and a goddess who has jumped into the real world to break her curse. In the interview conducted after the photoshoot, the actor talked about his drama and his philosophy on life. The Gong Soo Kwang character Na In Woo plays in Jinxed at First is a little different from the character in the webtoon. ŌĆ£While adapting the drama, the character turned brighter,ŌĆØ he shared. ŌĆ£Soo Kwang experiences unexpected things every day, and I tried to express these difficulties humorously rather than cynically. Soo Kwang is someone with a rich emotional flow and warmth, who makes humorous expressions rather than frown when faced with difficult tasks.ŌĆØ Na In Woo also opened up about his personal definitions of love and happiness. ŌĆ£There are many kinds of love,ŌĆØ the actor opened up. ŌĆ£Love between family, love between friends, love between loversŌĆ” But in my opinion, the thing that can become a foundation for all of these types of love is respect. That makes you be considerate of others and sometimes even make sacrifices.ŌĆØ He went on, ŌĆ£And my definition of happiness is living life while feeling grateful. The coffee I drink on the filming set, this sincere conversation IŌĆÖm having with you, whom I met for the first time, and all of the staff who make the atmosphere on set so comfortable. There is no reason not to be grateful, no reason not to be happy.ŌĆØ ┬Ā Source (1)