On September 7, MAMAMOOŌĆÖs label RBW announced the groupŌĆÖs comeback. ŌĆ£MAMAMOO will release their special singe WANNA BE MYSELF on the 10th. This upcoming single is the first music this year presented by MAMAMOO as a whole group, and it has been prepared as a surprise gift to fans who have been waiting for MAMAMMŌĆÖs music for a long time. The song features MAMAMOOŌĆÖs unique color and honest and confident charms. Please show a lot of interest and attention.ŌĆØ This is MAMAMOOŌĆÖs return in 10 months since their second full-length album reality in BLACK, released in November last year. Since MAMAMOO mainly focused on their solo activities this year, fans are paying attention to the surprise announcement. Based on their outstanding singing techniques and performances, MAMAMOO has been named one of the best K-pop girl groups since their debut. They produced multiple hit songs, including ŌĆ£UmOhAhYeh,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£YouŌĆÖre the best,ŌĆØ ŌĆ£D├®calcomanie,ŌĆØ and ŌĆ£Starry night.ŌĆØ Source (1)