An official at the Seoul Museum of Art told Sports Kyunghyang, ŌĆ£A died while working at home, and itŌĆÖs true that she appeared on tvNŌĆÖs entertainment program in October last year.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£There was no bullying at work,ŌĆØ he stressed. ŌĆ£She has never to get transferred to a different department. We donŌĆÖt know why she made such an extreme choice. The police is conducting the investigation now.ŌĆØ According to the Jongno Police Station in Seoul, a civil servant in her 20s who works at the Seoul Museum of Art made an extreme choice at home. The police began an investigation by questioning the people around her, and no suicide note was reportedly found. In October last year, she appeared on Yoo Quiz on the Block as the youngest to pass the civil service examination at the age of 20. At the time, she shared, ŌĆ£I was the only woman in the first department I was assigned, and others were all my fatherŌĆÖs age. The advantage (of being a public official) is that ŌĆśI wonŌĆÖt get firedŌĆÖ and the disadvantage is ŌĆśthat person wonŌĆÖt get fired either.ŌĆÖŌĆØ However, she recently expressed her difficulties through her social media, referring to the discord at home and school. Her accounts have turned private. ┬Ā Source (1)